Several times a day I'm asked whether or not I'll return to New Orleans. Some say the city will never be the same.
But unless you've been to New Orleansunless you've lived there, it's impossible to understand the powerful, magical personality that New Orleans has. It's addictive. There is no doubt in my mind that New Orleans will be rebuilt. While many people have leftsome for goodI believe most, including myself, will return at some point in their lives. It's just impossible to live in New Orleans for any period of time and not be able to think of it as home.
So I will return. Not tomorrow, next week, or probably even next year, but sometime in the future. I've been wanting to move out of New Orleans for quite some time. I'm ready to travel. But because the city is so magnetic it's hard to leave, even for a short time. So I'm taking this opportunity to leave the nest and spread my wings. When will I come back? I'm not sure, but I will. Maybe when the Saints win the Superbowl.
There is a girl that sits across from me in Chemistry that is a hurricane refuge. She is always asked if she'll go back, and she seemed to have a similar resposne to you.
I know that if Florida was hit that hard, and I had to leave for a bit I would come back - no doubt.
Good luck on the Saints winning. ;)
Posted by: Ethan | September 13, 2005 at 07:56 AM